Friday, December 12, 2008

たっち/Standing up


I think her whole world is expanding since she started to crawl. Since all attractive things are above her so she tries to hold onto the couch and stand up. Waaaaaaaaait a minute!! I think she is too much trying to stand up right after she mastered how to roll over, crawl, and sit up!! So far she falls on her butt but I am so scared thinking about her falling from her head!!!. Her day care teacher said "Oh, her bump on her forehead from her trying to stand up holding onto the wall and bumped her head onto the wall." "ha ha ha." Whaaaaaaaaaat!!! BUMP? They think she might start walking soon! I want them to let her stand up but not to bump her head. Am I too much?


The book my brother sent to me says "(Don't know why but) babies LOOOOOOOOOOVE remote controller!!" Ayane loves them too. She loves TV, letters and numbers which are digital, and stereo which are often at the higher place than the ground. Oh, she likes air bents. We put the plug over the other day. If you lie down on the ground, you can understand how she feels. I think all she sees FLOOR. Remote controller must look goooood with buttons and different colors. If you look up, things attractive are not on the ground but higher up than the floor which she sees and it hurts my neck!!


Jessica said...

your daughter is so PINK!! one year ago we never could have imagined that this would happen. I love that you're posting videos, when George does more than lay there and look cute, you'll have to tell me how to do it.


Anonymous said...

i wonder when was the first time i posted a video... miss you