I decided to post about the fact Ayane fell asleep in a baby carrier for the first time. I know people who are not my close family would say something about me posting just her falling asleep in the sling but could not resist. She was too cute not to say anything about this event.
My former co-worker Hiroko-sensei and I have been trying to use it. Ayane did not want to stay in there for a long time so I had to take her out, put her in, and take her out..again and again and again. That day she extremely hated to been put down so I decided to put her in the carrier and start doing things around the house even I knew she is not good at the noise from the vacuum cleaner. Then she fell asleep. I was very much happy about her not even crying but falling asleep in the carrier since I had been surfing Internet and going to many stores many times to figure out which carrier or sling is good for me but ended up not buying any or could not use the one I got from Hiroko much.
Oooh, i like your baby carrier! the pocket in the back looks so convenient~
i'm still only using the blue fabric one with George, he doesn't like the black one and he's still too small for the rugged JEEP one we got for Costas. I want to take him out into the world with the sling instead of the stroller, but i don't know how to wear the sling and carry the diaper bag yet. i should get one with a pocket...
I cannot believe you are using the blue one. So much work and I cannot do it. I have to say there is nothing wrong with stroller, but I want her to be in the facing front stroller now.
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