Tuesday, May 20, 2008


今日は職場のLeahがアヤネに会いにきてくれた。 今日はクリスも早く帰ってくる日で、ジェシカもアヤネをクリスに任せて2人だけショッピングに行くのに来てくれた。誰かが職場のみんなはうちに赤ちゃんが生まれてしょっちゅう人が訪ねてきて大変だろうから行かない方がいい!って言っていると聞いた。そん事はまずありません。それより職場のマリコとジェシカとアイアイに感謝しなければいけません。3人はしょっちゅう遊びにきてくれて、私は彼女たちのおかげでシャワーを浴びれた事が多々あります。昼過ぎまでシャワーを浴びられない事がしょっちゅうで、ちょっと彼女たちが来てくれるだけで私はとっても助かっています。今ではマリコは私がシャワーを浴びれるようにわざわざ来てくれます。でも今日はLeahみたいに「アヤネに会いたいわ!」って突然来てくれるのはやっぱり嬉しいです。アヤネも今日はとくべつハッピーでよく笑ってました。

Leah from work came over to see Ayane today. I heard that people from work try not to come over to our house to see Ayane since they think that we are sick of people keep coming to see her all the time. Well, it is not true. It's always nice to have people over. Especially Mariko, Jessica, and Aiai always come over to see Ayane. I have to thank them for another reason too. They are my good close friends but the thing is that they come over and take the baby for me so that I can take a shower, eat, and have 2 free hands back!! There are many days I cannot take a shower until afternoon! You know..you cannot start your day without taking a shower! Mariko now comes to my house saying "I am here so you can take a shower!" Well, it's always nice to have someone like Leah comes over to see the baby. Today, Ayane was happy and smiling a lot.

Friday, May 09, 2008

Bad hair day!!


Ayane had a bad hair day. Well, to mother she still looked very cute so I had to take a picture of her having a bad hair. Everyone says that she has a lot of hair from the delivery. I saw many newborns with a lot of hair on TV. I heard that all the hair from the birth come off at once and new hair grow back, but she seems not loosing any hair yet. I don't want her to look bold when she is 3 month when many baby start having hair growing.

Thursday, May 08, 2008



Chris never takes photos and I am always the one to take photos. I even tell him to stand here and there and take pictures. He has been taking many photos of Ayane. He even asks me to take a picture of him and Ayane together. Well, I realized that Ayane in those photos we took is sleeping..her eyes are closed and cannot tell how she really looks like. Babies are supposed to drink milk, sleep and cry anyway. Here are some photos you can see how she looks like. I put many photos of her from April in Flickr.

Sunday, May 04, 2008


小児科のせんせいが 人がいっぱいいるところでなく外を散歩ならばどんどん行ってもいいといわれ、4月16日に一週間もたたず初めての散歩にハーバード大学が所有している樹木園へ行った。アヤネが産まれる1週間ほど前に私のママと来た時はつぼみもまだかたく閉じているくらいだったのに、モクレン/こぶしかな?の花が満開だった。今年はこの時くらいから桜もよく咲きました。

Ayane's pediatrician told us that it's ok to take her out for walk anytime now so we took her to Arnold Arboretum. Me and my mom went there one week before but there was nothing really blooming at all. We took photos by Magnolia. Magnolia does great every year around here. I think "cherry tree" did good this year