Saturday, December 20, 2008

たっち パート2/Standing up-2


Ayane has been playing with toys by herself for a while, sometimes in the 'Pack'n Play' thing. Well, the cage. What a wonderful parents we are!? It seems a major thing for parents to have in US. We got two of them from friends at the shower. We have been putting her in there since she started turning over, sitting up and crawling. We don't or cannot put her in there too often (she cries) but especially when we need to do chores and a break (excuse, off course). We have already lowered the crib bed while ago. She does stand up holding onto something like ottoman I posted the other day. But today it was the first time we saw her standing in the Pack'n and Play giggling as if saying "You cannot keep me in here forever. Soooon I will be OUT!!" So cute and decided to post this event.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
