It was our first Christmas with Ayane. We opened presents and ate meal together. Ayane got more presents than anybody else since she went to bed with Christmas PJs on and had been a very good girl. Clothes, toys, DVD, and Cabbage patch kids doll!! Many mommy and daddy's friends nicely gave her presents. We are very thankful for that. Daddy got his own camera from Jon. Daddy says he wants his own camera since mommy use our camera as hers because of her blog and taking more photos of Ayane. Mommy got a car starter from daddy. We now don't have to go outside in the 0 F temperature to warm up our car anymore!! I hope we can visit family in Japan next Christmas.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
アヤネとの初めてクリスマス!/First Christmas with Ayane!!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
3人目のサンタさんはジョンおじさん?/3rd Santa was Uncle Jon??
Sunday, December 21, 2008
クリスマスツリー/Christmas Tree
We put our (fake) Christmas tree out. People here put their trees out after Thanksgiving Day or at the beginning of December, then start going crazy about buying presents.感謝祭はコチラでは「クリスマスよりビッグイベントだ!」という人もいるくらいで、感謝祭が終わらないとクリスマスは始められない様な感じになっています。で、もう感謝祭の次の日から早速クリスマスショッピングを始めます。普通感謝祭の次の日の金曜日は「ブラックフライデー」と言います。ブラックフライデーとはようするに店の収入が赤から黒字になるってことです。今年はウォルマートという世界最大のディスカウントスーパーマーケットの定員が開店時にドット入ってきた100人以上のお客さんに踏み潰され亡くなるという事件もありました。その混雑がイヤで感謝祭前に全部ショッピングは済ませるっていう人もいます。アメリカではいくらか金額を決めてその金額内でプレゼントを買います。だから3個のときもあればその年に子供が欲しい物が高かったら1個になりもします。私たちはもう大人になっているので買いたい物を家族に買います。パパはツリーの下に沢山プレゼントが置きたいがためにプレゼントを買ったりもします。やっぱりアメリカのクリスマスツリーの下のプレゼントを家族に渡したり開けていくっていう私にはまだ新しいし、この習慣をエンジョイしているのでやっぱりクリスマスショッピングにパパと行ってしまうママなのです。
Saturday, December 20, 2008
たっち パート2/Standing up-2
Thursday, December 18, 2008
おんぶひも/Baby carrier
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
サンタさんとアヤネ/Santa experience!
How Ayane did with Santa!? She was supposed to sit nicely on Santa's lap and daddy was supposed to take good photos of her with Santa for the first time. No, no, no. She was like "What is this white fluffy stuff?" "Who is this?" "Santa who?" "Let me show your face!!" She was trying to turn around, touch his beard, and find out who was holding her. No good shot with her first Santa. Instead these pictures are the ones we got.
Well, she met another? Santa today at her Day Care today. He is, the another Santa is Stan form work who works with mommy and daddy and who is always very nice to mommy and daddy. Very soon Ayane will see 3rd Santa for this year who is Uncle Jon. She is still a baby but this is a BIGGEST secret for Ayane until..who know when until she will find out who the Santa really is or if he really exists so I cannot let her see this post until then.
ハイチェア-/Stokke high chair
Friday, December 12, 2008
たっち/Standing up
I think her whole world is expanding since she started to crawl. Since all attractive things are above her so she tries to hold onto the couch and stand up. Waaaaaaaaait a minute!! I think she is too much trying to stand up right after she mastered how to roll over, crawl, and sit up!! So far she falls on her butt but I am so scared thinking about her falling from her head!!!. Her day care teacher said "Oh, her bump on her forehead from her trying to stand up holding onto the wall and bumped her head onto the wall." "ha ha ha." Whaaaaaaaaaat!!! BUMP? They think she might start walking soon! I want them to let her stand up but not to bump her head. Am I too much?
The book my brother sent to me says "(Don't know why but) babies LOOOOOOOOOOVE remote controller!!" Ayane loves them too. She loves TV, letters and numbers which are digital, and stereo which are often at the higher place than the ground. Oh, she likes air bents. We put the plug over the other day. If you lie down on the ground, you can understand how she feels. I think all she sees FLOOR. Remote controller must look goooood with buttons and different colors. If you look up, things attractive are not on the ground but higher up than the floor which she sees and it hurts my neck!!
Sunday, December 07, 2008
Ayane crawls forward not backwards now. She turns over both way and sit up by herself now too. I didn't exactly know what she wanted or saying by her just crying before but I am loving her who now crawls toward me and tries to reach me when she wants something or when she is tired.