I was crafty a week before Ayane started going to her day care. I made matching pouch for her stuff. The first one for clothes, second one is for her bibs and washcloth, third one is for bottles, fourth one is for pacifier, and fifth one is for toys. In Japan, depends of day care center, they ask parents to make many stuff with the specific size and instruction like length of each pouch is how many inches and width is how many inches!!! Bags for a cup, books, shoes and so on. If parents complain that they cannot make it or do it, the day care says like parents should do it putting their efforts and love for our children. Well, I have to say why do you think we have to put our kids in the day care!? In my case, I just played around. Oh, no. I am not a crafty person. Well, I have been thinking and wanting to sew stuff like clothes for Ayane like my mom who made some clothes for me when I was a kid. I love the idea of doing that for her too. Maybe a matching clothes.
I put her name on her belongings too. The one with pear and apple. Soooo cute. I tried stamps but it was not that pretty. So I wrote her name on the tape and sew it on.
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