Monday, September 01, 2008



We drove down and saw our relatives of Chris' mother side in Kentucky. Uncle Selwyn and Aunt Stellie.


We ate Cuban food.


We visited Churchill Downs hosting the Kentucky Derby annually. I believe Big Brown was the winner this year. There were any horses but people who were betting on horses running somewhere else.

インディアナとケンタッキーの移動に車を借りたらアップグレードしてくれて普通の乗用車でなくミニバンをゲットできることになりました。私のJEEPはSUVで大きめなはずなんだけどカーシートのせたら助手席も狭くて乗りにくいし後ろも意外に座ると狭くなっちゃうんです。このKIAのは7人乗りなんだけどいわゆるミニバンっていうんですか!?子供ができたら最後カッコよくもなんともないミニバン!!だって思ってたけど、やっぱり子供に、カーシートに、バギーに、大荷物に、便利さを考えると、I LOVE MINI VAN!!になりました。ミニバンって言っても昔みたいな感じではなくて私はOKです。パパは最近車の支払いが終わったばかりだしまだ自分のスポーツカーを手放す気はないそうです。

We rented a car for traveling in Indiana and Kentucky. They upgraded and could use a mini van. My car Jeep Liberty is a SUV but it gets really small and not comfortable once we put a car seat in it. Too tight to sit on a passenger seat and not too comfortable to sit on the back seat. We got KIA this time. It did not look like a mini van I imagined but looked like a SUV to me. I love a mini van now. Daddy is not really to get rid of his completely paid off sports car yet.

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