Saturday, June 07, 2008


スリーパーなるパジャマものを見つけて今はまっている。「毎日赤ちゃんに普通の服とパジャマを着替えさせるのか?」っていう疑問があった。新生児って毎日ミルク飲んで朝昼も関係なく寝るわけでしょ? アヤネにはこのスリーパーなるものを着させて夜は寝かせている。病院から帰ってきてしばらくは目を開いていることは滅多に見ないほどよく寝てた。服なんて着ずに病院で着ていた前が開くサイズの大きい長袖の下着のシャツを着させてブランケットに一日中くるんでいた。だって2人とも何もわからず病院でしてたようにした。今じゃブランケットにくるんでも足が出てきてしまってくるむことができないほど大きくなった。今着させているスリーパーも新生児用は卒業して0ー3ヶ月用である。


I found "sleeper" thing and am obsessed about it now. I wondered before about baby's PJs. Are there such PJs for babies? PJs are for sleeping. Babies sleeps all day long. Do they wear PJs all day? I let Ayane wear this sleeper at night. Well, first time when she came back from hospital she did now wear any clothes. She just wore undershirt which you can button in front and not cover umbilical cord and we wrapped her with receiving blanket all day long. We did not know anything so we just did the way nurse did at the hospital. Now she is too big to be wrapped up with the blanket and her feet are coming out of it. The one she wears is for not newborns but for 0 to 3 month babies.

Oh, I found very cute Winnie the Pooh sleeper. I never saw this sleeper thing when I went to Babies"R"Us during the pregnancy. There are things I see now which I did not see before. Funny. They are lighter fabric. Ones with button not zipper. There are fabric inside to protect skin from zipper touching and hurting, but the fabric anyway touch the skin. I have only 2 good ones someone gave it to us and don't touch her skin so I get ones with button.

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