Sunday, June 22, 2008

イチゴ狩り/Strawberry picking


We went strawberry picking for the first time. It was different from apple picking. I had to bend down and look for them harder than find a good apple. I had no idea of how it's like. We went there in the afternoon and the big ones were already gone. I am not sure people picked them or they are sold at the market. We bought a carton board basket for $6 and you can fill it out. It seems a bunch of strawberries are growing together. When you walk the patch, you see some areas look like someone stepped on. Actually a bunch of strawberries are growing together like I wrote so they are heavy and dangling down to the ground? I thought the good red ones are gone but I could find quite many red ones when I pushed leaves and stems aside. Well, the first strawberry picking was like just enjoying PICKING them. Most of them were sour but I could find some really sweet ones too. Oh, there were many kids includes babies. Not like 2 month old Ayane but tiny kids were walking around too like less than 1 year old. My family was like...Ayane sleeping the whole time, Chris tired, babysitting and taking photos, and me was only person going crazy for strawberry hunting and picking for the first time. Me and Chris are excited to go back there next year with Ayane nut next time not sleeping in the stroller but walking around there.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

My new computer


W got a new computer. I've been using Chris' old windows. Things I do with computer is usually blogging and I had some trouble with Mac to do blogging. I've been mentioning to Chris about that and he knows his windows is pretty old and he finally agreed to buy one for me. Well, we do have pretty new desktop from Mac for ourselves but Chris keeps it all to himself since he had been playing that stupid life sucking game called "World of Warcraft." So now I don't have to bump into each other to use one computer but it's like having my own computer for myself. Actually this is my first desktop ever. I am not a computer person. My mom encouraged me to use more with computer but I didn't. I hope I can explore and be better with the computer.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Baby bouncer

今日はベイビーバウンサーを楽しみました。足をばたばた動かして吊る下がっている動物の人形をバッチリ見て、それもその人形がガラガラ動くの見て声をあげて喜ぶのです。ベイビーシャワーの時このベイビーバウンサーを3つももらった。今アヤネが使っているのは職場のニシザワ君にもらったやつです。いろんな人が赤ちゃんはこのベイビーバウンサーが大好きだと言われていたんだけども、1度たりともアヤネがこのベイビーバウンサーを楽しんだことはなかった。妊娠中にお店であったお母さんもこのバウンサーが一番必需品で持っているほうがいいとそういえば言っていた。が、おろすとただ泣くだけだし人形を見もしなかった。ここ1ヶ月前から弱く“ハァ~ ”って言うようになり、授乳のとき私の目をじっと見るくらいになった。今は寝ていたアヤネが起きて泣いた時、ベッドに様子を見に行ってアヤネの顔を見下ろすとニコッと笑うし、パパが家に帰ってきた時にドアの方に目をやりパパを目で追うようにようになった。生まれたときの体重よりだいぶ大きくなったアヤネをずっと抱いていないでもハッピーでいれるのも助かる。こんなにアヤネが楽しんで嬉しがっているのは今日が初めてだったのだけど、みんながいうようにアヤネがこれからもっと楽しんでいるのを見るのが楽しみです。

Ayane enjoyed a baby bouncer today. She moved her legs a lot, stared at the animals hanging, and made lots of happy sounds. I got this bouncer at my baby shower. 3 of them. She's never enjoyed until today. Every time I put her down, she did nothing but cried. Many people say that babies love this bouncer and it works. Actually she fell asleep after she played. The one she used today is from Hide from work. This one has a vibrator and music comes out. I am not sure what exactly is working for her to fall asleep. Ayane started to make a soft "haaaaaaa" sound and stare at me without smiling when I feed her. Now she smiles at me when she wakes up and cries in her crib and also her eyes follows her daddy when he comes home. It was nice to see her enjoy the bouncer and I am looking forward to seeing her enjoying it more.

Monday, June 16, 2008

2ヶ月検診/2 month check up

今日はアヤネの2ヶ月検診に行ってきました。なんと4本も注射を打ちました。右足と左足に2本ずつ。DPT(ジフフテリア・百日せき・破傷風混合)Polio (ポリオ) Haemophilus (髄膜炎) Pneumaococcal (肺炎球菌) Rotavirus (ロタウイルス) は経口投与でした。だいぶ日本との予防接種とは数も種類もインターネットで調べると違うようです。住んでいる場所が違うとかかる病気も違ってくるのでしょうか。お医者さんが来るまでにちょっと待たされてアヤネも退屈になって泣きだした。もちろん注射のときも泣いてたけどクリスが抱いてやったらすぐ泣き止んだ。うちの子は強い子かもしれない。私とクリスのほうが結構長い針を4本もブスッとちゃんとおくまで刺すのを見て痛がったくらいだった。注射のあとは子供が好きそうなバンドエイドを4枚もつけて帰ってきました。今日か明日に熱が出るかもしれないということで、家でアヤネと二人だしちょっと不安です。お尻で熱を測るんだったよなーと思い出して困ってます。

We went for Ayane's 2 month check up with her pediatrician. 4 shots today. It seems much more shots babies have to get in US and also different types of shots. If you live in the different place than your home, you may get the different types of diseases. We were tired of waiting her doctor and finally Ayane started crying. Well, she cried during the shots but she quickly stopped crying as soon as Chris held her. She must be a strong baby!! Chris and I was scared and felt pain looking at the 4 pretty long needles went all the way into her skin. 2 into her right thigh and 2 into her left one. She got the cute band aids. I hope she's not gonna get fever. This means I have to take her temp and you know..what I have to do. I have to stick the thing into her bum bum.

Father's Day


I and Ayane gave 2 mousepads for Chris who had his first Father's Day. Custumized mousepads with Chris's favorite Ayane picture. One for work computer and another one for home computer. I hope Chris enjoyed looking at the mousepad and thought of us without missing us so much on Father's Day. We also visited Chris's dad for Father's day on the day before Sunday since Chris had to work on Father's Day. Ayane gave Papa a card too. Nana and Papa looked happy to see her. Papa is trying to take a nice shot of Ayane.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Meeting people


Ayane and I delivered a sandwich for daddy at work and stopped by at the school reception to see Kay. Kay works at the school reception of the school where me and Chris work for. She cares about our family and has been wonderful to us. I was not planning to see people today but many staff came down to see Ayane. If I knew about it, I would've combed her hair more and put skirt or clothes Kay gave to us!! Ayane was wearing them yesterday. Ayane was sleepy and a little in shock I guess because I passed her around and let many people hold her, but it was nice to see them.

Everybody was like "Oh, she is so tiny!!!!!" even I said that Ayane is getting bigger. She is getting bigger. Her head, face hands, mouth she opens when she cries, and many other parts. Oh my god, newborns are getting bigger very very quick!! I cannot believe it. I am enjoying her every each moment. Ayane was a newborn one month ago and she is absolutely NOT a newborn anymore. You know..if you say a "newborn," each body part is so fragile and seems like easy to break. I know she is small but the way a newborn is growing is amazingly fast. I wanted to show everyone today's outfit especially to people who gave us clothes before they don't fit her anymore. The shirt is from Amy R and brown pants mommy just bought from Babiesrus. Thank you Amy.

Saturday, June 07, 2008


スリーパーなるパジャマものを見つけて今はまっている。「毎日赤ちゃんに普通の服とパジャマを着替えさせるのか?」っていう疑問があった。新生児って毎日ミルク飲んで朝昼も関係なく寝るわけでしょ? アヤネにはこのスリーパーなるものを着させて夜は寝かせている。病院から帰ってきてしばらくは目を開いていることは滅多に見ないほどよく寝てた。服なんて着ずに病院で着ていた前が開くサイズの大きい長袖の下着のシャツを着させてブランケットに一日中くるんでいた。だって2人とも何もわからず病院でしてたようにした。今じゃブランケットにくるんでも足が出てきてしまってくるむことができないほど大きくなった。今着させているスリーパーも新生児用は卒業して0ー3ヶ月用である。


I found "sleeper" thing and am obsessed about it now. I wondered before about baby's PJs. Are there such PJs for babies? PJs are for sleeping. Babies sleeps all day long. Do they wear PJs all day? I let Ayane wear this sleeper at night. Well, first time when she came back from hospital she did now wear any clothes. She just wore undershirt which you can button in front and not cover umbilical cord and we wrapped her with receiving blanket all day long. We did not know anything so we just did the way nurse did at the hospital. Now she is too big to be wrapped up with the blanket and her feet are coming out of it. The one she wears is for not newborns but for 0 to 3 month babies.

Oh, I found very cute Winnie the Pooh sleeper. I never saw this sleeper thing when I went to Babies"R"Us during the pregnancy. There are things I see now which I did not see before. Funny. They are lighter fabric. Ones with button not zipper. There are fabric inside to protect skin from zipper touching and hurting, but the fabric anyway touch the skin. I have only 2 good ones someone gave it to us and don't touch her skin so I get ones with button.

Friday, June 06, 2008

再利用ショッピングバッグ/Re-usable shopping bag

スーパーマーケットの再利用できるショッピングバッグを使っている。アメリカで?スーパーマーケットでプラスチックの袋を使わないでこの再利用バッグを使う人が増えてきたきがする。この緑の袋に普通のプラスチックの袋3枚分のものが入り99セント、100円かそこいらです。私の使っているスーパーによると、アメリカでは毎年1000億枚ものプラスチックの袋を使っていてそのうち1%しかリサイクルされていないらしい。こっちはゴミの分別が日本みたいに厳しくない。うちの町はゴミの日とリサイクルの日だけ。プラスチックを普通のゴミに出せない訳でもない。日本で分けろっていわれているから分けてただけであんまり考えなかった。プラスチックや再利用できるゴミを普通のゴミとして出すとただのゴミになるだけで増えるばかり。その分また資源をまたつかって作り直さなくちゃいけなくなるから、ゴミを増やさず再利用できるものはリサイクルして資源を大切にしようである。地球の温暖化がアメリカでどんどん話題になってきている。ガソリンもものすごく高くなってきて1回に50ドル以上が当然になった。地球の温暖化なんて私が小中学生の時にもう日本では叫ばれてたけど今の日本はどうなんだろうか? 緑の袋を買ったのに最初は家に忘れてしまったことがあったから今は忘れないようにいつも車においてある。

I purchased and am using re-usable shopping bag from a supermarket every time going shopping there. I think more people using these bags, no? They say we use 100 billion plastic bags every year in US but only 1 % is recycled. I've never really thought about separating trash even we have to separate trash into many categories like batteries. We cannot throw batteries into regular trash! Global warming was a big issue in Japan when I was 6 or 7th grade already and we got rid of some spray products which using certain bad gas? stuff. I wonder what they are trying now in Japan and what is going on there. I forgot to take the green back a couple of time so I keep these bags (3) in my car all the time now.