Sunday, April 22, 2007

Asakusa with mom and Taku

I visited ASAKUSA with my mom and brother, Taku. Taku lives around this area. Asakusa is popular area to visit because of the things you see behind me. That is Sensou shrine.

This is me and my brother, Taku in front of the shrine. People are supposed to wash their hands first, but we forgot. We are so excited to get the smoke on our body because the smoke is supposed to be good for you. I put it on my head because the smoke supposed to help me to be smarter, wiser, and brighter...hopefully.

We stopped for some snacks. Look how happy she is.

I do feel very very sorry for Chris, my husband. Guess where we ate, Chris!! I got SHABU-SHABU and they ate SUKIYAKI. Oh, yeeeeeeeeeees. It was GREAT. ha ha ;) SOOOOOOOO sorry, and I missed you, Chris!!

Friday, April 20, 2007

Happiest couple on this earth right now!!

They are getting married very very soon. Don't they look great together!? They worked at the same school (Boston Higashi School-residence) with me and my husband, Chris for a long time. They say they are moving to British Columbia/Vancouver, Canada. Very happy for them and make me think about 2 years ago when I got married. Happy.

They are very good people and I missed them so much because they are the people who worked hard/grew up together sharing many good time and hard time while we were together working at Boston Higashi School.

At each period of the time in your life, you might share your very precious time with the different people. I wonder why I don't keep in touch with many of my good friends in the past. Aki and Hemant left where I still work for and again they are about to move onto another stage of their lives. They are people I would like to keep in touch for many years coming. I feel very sorry for Chris and also Hemant because they are buddies always talking about stupid stuff.. guys stuff. Chris is not here this time. I believe meeting only me was not satisfactory to Hemant. Sorry!! But I hope they can catch up with each other soon.


Hemant and my husband, Chris was always making fun of the mistakes Japanese people made on English. The last time when we came back, Chris found the word "flower" (花) was "frower" -it was on the socks and "fleece (羊毛) jacket" was "freece jacket" -it was on the price tag.

Fa ra ra ra, ra-ra, ra ra ra!!
(Do we really not "Fa La La" !?)

April 20 is always my brother's birthday!!

This is my cute little brother, Taku. April 20 is my brother's birthday. I love him so much and he is my baby. I was always worried about him like.."What if he is feeling sad!?" I knoooooooow any big sisters are like that. Well, he actually did take care of himself on his own very very good many many years. And I am very proud of him. I still don't want to think about what IF he is feeling sad and down. I want him to be happy.

I got him an usual cake me and my mom always gets for him..a cake from 'TOPS.' My grandma got another ones from a store in neighbor. You see she is trying so hard to show cakes she got and try to have him eat the one SHE got for him. Everybody ate too much cake on my brother's birthday. We still treat him as a small boy I guess. We still feed him exactly same things he loved when he was a small boy. Cakes and stakes, see..!?

Thursday, April 19, 2007

With My Mother

This is my mom eating a piece of cake and me drinking the first coffee (hot) in Japan.

I have to say I love and missed going out with mother to do window shopping. If you are a girl, just spending time together with mom is very nice. Also who don't like spending time for window shopping with her? She might get you something!! ha ha Well, this time I had a little bit harder time to do that because the things in Japan are very very expensive. Things/trends in Japan are always crazy and changing very rapidly. I have been trying to catch up and find out what is going on in Japan now.


Instead..I very much enjoyed food from the food court, sushi/sashimi(raw fish), and Japanese crazy cool..fine stationery today.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Visiting Masaki and Nanami/ななみちゃーん!!

My first mission I wanted to do during this trip was to see these people. The left is my cousin, Masaki and her daughter, Nanami.

This is Nanami. She belongs to 'Panda Bear' classroom. My cousin, Masaki went to get her, but her class was during the nap time. There were many many students's slippers from Panda Bear class in the hallway. I found Nanami's slippers too.

In Japan, there are shopping cart like she is riding. Isn't it too much or what?
Well, she is so cute in it anyway.

This is their new home they bought. Masaki said that the house is small when we were talking on the phone. I was no idea how small the typical Japanese house looks like nowadays. The house looked great and was in the great shape. I thought that there is no way to get this kind of house in Tokyo area. It wasn't too far from the center of Tokyo either. They had a space to park their car too. It was nice to visit.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

In Japan with Jessica!!

We took a photo under the sign says "Welcome to Japan."

It was kinda exciting to be here in Japan together with Jessica. We have been having a good relationship for a while. We could've made a plan to come to Japan together by now. But, she made a different plan to come to Japan by herself and is going to Hokkaido where she used to teach English. I made my own plan to come back here to she my family. It's just happened for us to be here at the same time. So, I was glad to be here with my very very good friend, Jessica.

Jessica was sewing...sewing...and sewing and made a nice quilt.

I started finding things Japanese as soon as getting off the plane. Guess what it says... "HATE" I hate CAKES. People don't HATE cakes but I hate cakes most than anything else. So I though that it's funny to find such a thing and I took a picture in front of it.

Thursday, April 05, 2007


March 3rd is always the day of Japanese Girls Festival called "hinamatsuri." My mom sent me a package. Then I found this.

Please don't wonder or ask too much about what the festival is about or what those stuff in the picture. Hinamatsuri is a festival for younger age girls of 3 and 7 years old. These stuff are miniture and kidish version of dalls we put out for the festival. The real ones are beautiful. You know or you saw somewhere in your life the traditional Japanese dalls wearing 'kimono' kinda things. If you are interested more about it, you certainly go on the internet and put a word "HINAMATSURI."

またまたこんなに月日が流れてしまいました。 3ヶ月。 家族の皆様、このブログをたまに見てくださっているお友達お元気ですか? ちょっと時間が見つかり、はりきって4っつものポストを載せました。

ドラえもんのお菓子が送られてきて、なんとそのお菓子が入っていた箱で雛花壇ができてしまいました。 なんと嬉しい事でしょう。 アメリカで12年間暮らしたどれだけの日本人が、いくらお菓子のセットとはいえ、お内裏様、お雛様、屏風にボンボリ(って言うんだっけか?) で2007年のひな祭りを祝い楽しんだのでしょうか? ママ、アリガトウネ。

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Socks, socks, socks!!!

I received this card from Masaki, Nanami, and Daisuke. Masaki is my cousin.

At the top of this card, it says "Thank you very much," in Japanese.

If I open this card wide open, these panda bears bow. So that these panda bears can express their appreciation.

These are the 3 types of socks they sent for me. It was the first time for me totry on this type of socks. Strange feeling. You never feel your 10 toes are separate things but you do feel each toe.

Thank you guys!

雅紀ちゃん、 ななみちゃん、 大輔くん!! ありがとうございます ななみちゃーん くつしただいじにはいてます ありがとうね

Valentine’s Day

Most of girls knows what this blue box and white ribbon means. Well, I got it!!

I was very happy as you can guess, but I felt very bad finally after a few weeks to tell Chris about one thing. I gotta tell him because he spent quite a lot of money on the present he had got from the place the blue box came from...that the necklace he got for me BUT it was not quite ME like!! I thought about to keep it but I thought it will be hard for me to wear it know...or keep the necklace in that box for a long time without wearing it.

He says he likes the necklace on me, I wanted him to be happy looking at me with it on me knowing that he got it for me on Valentine's Day.

BUT sorry Chris, it will be always me wearing it, feeling happy, looking at it, and being proud by thinking that my guy got this from Tiffany for me on Valentine's day. I needed to get the one makes my heart leap. So I exchanged it. I am happy. He is happy for me. Sorry, but I am happy that he is ok..happy!?

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Museum of Science, Boston

We visited Museum of Science, Boston in February. I have never visited any other science museum so I am not sure. In Boston, we always have a section that people from the museum grow and take care of some chicks. They always place eggs first. Most of times I see chicks were trying to break the shell and come out. Amazing moments (but without mothers...) It's always fun and great to watch. Chris took a while to leave the section because he wants his own chick if you know what exactly what I mean.