Monday, December 31, 2007

Baby's room


We worked on our baby's room during our 2 weeks winter vacation in December. We put dots stickers on the wall for our baby's room. We ordered a white crib but we had to wait for another week or so. We successfully avoided painting. Rockin' chair gives me nausea everytime I sit on it. Too sad. I still wanted to get a rockin' chair. Chris says not to get one and get a regular chair. We have to get curtain for the room. We did register at Babies-rus. Oh, same as wedding registry. Chris was happy with that scanner!! Too many items look same. Same items for 0-3 months old baby and for 3-6 months old baby and so on and so on. Bottle warmer and sterilizer??? Baby monitor but which one!!! Same items and different brand!! Well, the best thing is ask people around. We talk to many parents with babies. Does anyone know if baby's pajamas exist? We could not figue out whether their clothes are pajamas or regular clothes.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Last Christmas without baby

実は昨日私たちも一つ買い物を近所のコンビニでした。よだれかけ。そこにはMy First Chuhhuka って書いてある。きのう クリスマスツリー デコレーションの買い物をちょこっとしたついでだ。クリスはユダヤ教なのでChuhhuka/ハナカを祝うのでクリスマスツリーはなしだけど、でもクリスのパパはユダヤ教と違うので、ホワイト家では両方ありである。

ともかく、子供服を買うのはまださけていたしまだ先の事?であると思っている。早くそろえるのもよくないっていうし。だけど私にはいま 1つ問題がある。 仕事場のよしみちゃんと話した時に考えついた。「赤ちゃんって超カワイイ!」とか「私も赤ちゃん欲しーい!!」ってのが私には無いせいでか、もちろん子供は欲しい訳だけど、まだオナカにいる子に対しての深い感情?愛情がヒシヒシと湧いてきていない。「ワッ! 私のおなかなんでこんなにデカイの!!!」ってなもん。 皆そんなもん? 私ってもう母親失格なの??? ゴメンよ私の子! って思う。 
"赤ちゃん" っていうのでなくて "自分たちの子供と人生を共にしていく事とそのおもい" である。で、またそのジョナサンにもらった服は「赤ちゃん」を強くおもわせるのである。私子供って苦手だとおもう。私赤ん坊抱くの?ヒエー!! ダメじゃないが自分から子供がいても寄ってはいかないし、赤ちゃんもわざわざ抱きたいとおもわない。これからの人生たっても楽しみだけど、いまだにクリスには「クリスの方が赤ちゃんより好き!」って言っている始末だ。だからただ、オナカにいる子に対して愛情かけてやらないと とおもっている。だんだんオナカの子に声が届くって言うし、おなかが動いたら反応して優しく声をかけろって言うもんだから。でもそう簡単に、「カワイイねー」とか「ヨシヨシ」ってのもよくわかんない訳で。頑張ってジョナサンにもらった服を使ってイメージトレーニングしています。 ハハ

Jonathan, my brother in law gave me a Patriot's baby clothes on Thanksgiving day. Just for fun, mainly me and Chris bought a bib says "My first Chunnukah" on it. We have been avoiding to buy any sort of stuff for baby because people say it is not good to buy so early. I am almost done with my 6th month. I was waiting for the time and I was looking forward to go shopping baby stuff too.

I have a problem. You might say it's normal and you might say I am crazy and I am a bad mother! I still don't have an attachment toward my baby inside me. I have been having the exactly same life as life without my baby inside still. I was not the kind of person who LOOOOOOOOVE babies and love to hold them and look at them. I have been telling people babies look like areans. They cry. They burp. They poop. They make mess. I guess I don't have good image or experience with them. I know I will love my baby ONLY than anyone else's or anyone else even I still tell Chris that I love him more than I love my baby inside. But I don't touch my belly and say "Oh baby, my little baby, my angel!!" Well, I feel baby moving more than ever and my belly is getting big, but not quite I think. I thought my belly gets much bigger by this time. It is not "baby" but my life with my baby and Chris is what I want most. I say oh I cannot WAAAAAAIT the time will come. Chris holding our baby. We walk together in town. Feeding her and visiting parents. Telling Chris to talk to our baby in Japanese!!! Touching her smooth skin. It's all life with me, Chris and baby to me. But am I a bad mother not feel too attached now to my baby inside. I wonder. We kinda decided her name. I am not going to officially annouce it but I am using the name to identify my baby as "BABY" and talk to her sooooooometimes.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

ヘソとオナカ/My belly buttoon and belly




We found out that we are going to have a girl. Last time we could not know because she did not open her legs (of course).

I am showing too. I used to try to hide and squeeze my belly in. It does not go in and doesn't look like just ate too much. I guess I did not like myself look like I ate too much and gain some weight. The strange thing about my belly is my belly button. It's getting shallow and I can pick it easily!! It is right there. I don't want to touch it too much because every time you try to pick it when it was deeper and you will have stomachache. I want to know how I feel when it completely pops out.

I feel the baby now! Thanks god that I don't see her hand shape or foot!!! I will freak out and faint. It started like one small pop once in a while but I feel pop here and pop, pot there now. Chris cannot feel it from outside. I soooooometimes feel on my hand but maybe I am dreaming and just feeling it inside of me. I hope he can feel it very soon. Not too soon to see the hand or foot. I hope.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Gloves will keep me warm this winter!!

I would like to introduce my recent great find which make my life a little better and fun. The weather in New England is getting colder. To me, it's already cold enouth for sweater but people don't seem feeling cold like I do yet. BUT, I found cute gloves keep me warm this winter. I first found TURKEY gloves. They were cute too, season appropriate and good ones but the ones I bought will be good for a long time. Well, honestly I cannot let people fell the same way I feel happy about the gloves but I hope everyone can sometimes find things make the life wamer and happier at this season which is getting colder. Last find for me was the monkey shower sponge if you remember.

かわいい手袋を見つけた。この手袋のおかげで久しぶりに最近毎日が楽しい。といってもまだ手袋を毎日いつでもつけるほど寒くはない。寒がりの私にとっては「早く手袋に、マフラーに、コートを来たい!」という感じである。 ニューイングランドもどんどん寒くなってきた。11月末にはたいてい雪が降る。温暖化といわれてるから10年前のあの耳がとれちゃうほどの寒さにはならないかも。まあ10年前は今と違って車もなかったし外を歩くことがもっとあったからかも。ともかく、あの猿のシャワースポンジ以来のヒット商品である。この寒くなりつつある季節の変わり目と皆様の毎日の中でも何か小さくとも毎日がハッピーで体が暖かくなってしまうような何かを見つけられることを祈ってまーす。

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween

It was Halloween and I have to say I enjoyed 2007 Halloween more than ok. Me and my friend, Ai carved 2 pumpkin and the first photo is our favorite one. I did? a pumpkin carving contest at work too. I believe it was the first time all division carved a pumpkin this year. But all pumpkin this year went bad very quick I think. So actually we could not do the contest just displayed.

October month was also nice for foliage. This year I did not go any particular place for foliage but I enjoyed it especially I was driving the expressway. My belly and also my appetite is getting bigger!!!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Happy Birthday to me!!!


Chris took me to New York for the musical Mary Poppins for my birthday. He bought me all Mary Poppins goods for me. A pen, key chain, T-shirt, and souvenior brochure. He carried them in the bag for me too. My cousin Masaki sent me maternity clothes from Muji and I am wearing it in that photo. Thank you. She should've have her second baby by now.

私の誕生日10月28日にボストンレッドソックスがまたまた3年ぶり?ワールドシリーズ優勝を果たした。1年後の昨日、マリコとイクヤくんがお祝いしにまたきてくれました。まりこはレッドの靴下?をはいて、わたしは33を、イクヤくんはオカジマのTシャツを着てます。テレビにマツザカ映ってる の見える? 二人ともありがとう。

Boston Red Sox won World Series again on October 28, 2007 which was my birthday!! This is the photo of Mariko and Ikuya one year later again with me on my birthday. You see Mariko with Red socks!? Me with 33. Matsuzaka on TV. Ikuya with Okajima T-shirt. I thank them again and I enjoyed their visit.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Chris, business trip to Japan!!!


とても彼を誇りに思っています。 彼はとてもハードウォーカーであり、子供をとても愛するすばらしい教師であり、一緒に働くにもすばらしいボスでもあります。10月14日で私もボストン東10年目を迎えました。 この10年たくさんのことを学びましたが、彼と同じ部署で働き始めて彼と一緒に働いてこなかったら10年も保ったかわからないほど私は影響されました。私の結婚式の誓いの言葉をいうときにも言いました...私が初めてボストン東で目にしたのは、クリスが子供たちを
原っぱで追いかけていて、クリスも子供たちもとっても楽しそうに駆け回っていたところでした。今回私たち二人は新しい家族の一員を迎える準備をしています。もうすぐ私のすばらしいクリスが、私たち二人の子供と楽しく遊ぶ姿を見ることができます。とても幸せです。私たちも長い道のりを歩いてきたなと、10年という過去の事そしてクリスとの生活を思い出している今日この頃です。あー私頑張ったからご褒美は何にしよう。 誕生日ももうすぐです。私10月28日で33歳になります。皆さんはお元気ですか?

Chris went to Japan for a week since he was promoted to be the Residential Director and needed to recruit some people from Japan. Oops. To my dearest family, Chris got promoted to Residential Director since September 2007!!! I believe I should say this loud to my family. Funny thing to me is that Chris went to Japan without me. He has never been in Japan without me. Well, if you realize, we all work for a Japanese origin school. Bad thing was that he could not see my mother there. My mom was in Romania for a big conference kinda thing there at that time. He was once very happy that he could see my mother in Japan (before he finds out she wouldn't be there) and also I had visited Japan last April without him because I needed "my mommy" so bad.

I am proud of him. He is a hard worker, kids loving teacher and great person to work with. I just quietly celebrated(?) my 10th year anniversary at Boston Higashi School too. I started working for this school on October 14, 1997. I started in the same division Chris was also in called Early Childhood division, and have been working close together with him since. I am not sure I could make it all these years at work if he was not around. I learned alot from him, at work and in this country. If you were there and remembered, I said at my wedding that Chris was the very first person I saw playing and chasing after students at the field when I first visited Boston Higashi for my job interview. We are preparing ourselves to welcome a little one soon to our family. I will be able to see Chris plays with our child soon. I am very happy and excited.

Friday, September 28, 2007



クリス: 「オカアサン! オカアサンwill beオバアチャン!!」

うちのママ:「???(クリスの日本語を理解しようとしている) ....
wow!  I got it!!!




こんな事ブログに書くより、中野のうちの卓袱台で、ママと、おばあちゃんと、お2階の哲子おばちゃんと皆でお茶とお菓子を食べながらこんな話をしたい、のです。 彼女たちにはあまりいえない事は、いとこのマキちゃんとまみちゃんと話したいけど日本のように携帯でプルルってすぐ電話出来ないし。

特に何かむしょうに食べたくなるものはまだありません。消しゴムも食べたくありません(?) 家でただごろごろ転がってただけなので見せる写真もありません。すみません。

背中をさすってくれる人が天使のように見える2ヶ月目と3ヶ月目です。 どうぞ私に愛の手を! 背中をさすってくれるだけで、、、いえっ、それが!いいのです。 さすってくれた人ありがとう!!

Chris told pretty much to everybody about my pregnancy on the date we found out. I was supposed to be very happy and feel special??? when I found out my pregnancy. We were planning to do this so I was waiting for the date I can detect it every month. It had been more than several months since I had started trying to be pregnant. So it was very exciting and such a relief that I finally got pregnant. WELL, we were supposed to see Chris' parents on the day we found out about my pregnancy. I saw 2 red lines on pregnancy test stick. (Do people keep the stick??? Chris does) I needed more time to convince myself that I am pregnant and wanted to start feeling happy and enjoy being pregnant before people start talking about it and live the life of only me and Chris knows about it. But I ended up telling my close family about this on that day I peed on the stick before me exactly understanding what is happening to me . He says "Sooooooooooorry, I was veeeeeeeeeeeery haaaaaappy!!"

Well...Chris ended up talking to family on the phone. Chris said that my mom was in a total silence for more than several seconds after he said "Mother, you will be OBAA-CHAN(Nana)!!!" in the mix of Japanese and English. Me instead ended up not talking to my family until now. It's kinda awful but I missed the moment because he was veeeeeeeery haaaaaaaaapy.

In the first 2 weeks already, I was in a deep, deep morning sickness mode. I cannot believe many women before me went through this or worse. "The Book" says "Hanging there!! Morning sickness is the sign of your baby is doing good and growing!!! So, hanging in there!!" I was like "Oh, whatever BABY!!

Stop & Shop bagel worked very well and ginger ale so far the best. People who rub my back was like an "angel." Chris somehow changed...for a while...

I have to say I deserve MORE BACK RUB!! If I say so, I need more. He is busy at work so he tends to say "I am TIRED!!" I surprised my man changed a bit actually. I was happy and surprised actually. Men should not have any excuse to their pregnant wives!!! 100% NO I want my back rub now!!
On the other hand, I wish I can enjoy and share his happiness more with him and with my friends. I see he is happy sometimes. I know he is... but I am missing it. I have been sick. We care about each other, I mean everybody does. I couldn't fo much. Just feel awfully sick. Everybody says 2nd trimester will be much much better. I KNOW that, thank you for tell me, I know that. I totally to this sickness thing. Gotta be better. I will update my blog more often from now on with better and happier news and comments.

Monday, September 24, 2007


eating for my baby!!

今年4月に母と東京国立博物館でレオナルド ダ ヴィンチの大作「受胎告知」をみた。 いとこのマキちゃんはそのとき妊娠2,3ヶ月だったか??? 私はあの時彼女の妊娠しているおなかを触って自分のも触った。まきちゃんも友達のおなかを触ってからその後すぐ妊娠したそうだ。 友達のおなかは、ちょっとした天使のガブリエルのようだ。 私もそれから3ヶ月して妊娠した。


Me and my mom went to Tokyo National Museum and saw Leonardo DaVinci's "Annunciation" At that time, my cousin Masaki was 2 or 3 months pregnant!? I touched her belly with her baby in it, and then I touched mine too. Masaki had touched her pregnant friend's belly several months ago. Soon she became pregnant. Friend's pregnant belly is like the angel Gabriel. Soon I became pregnant too.

I am 12 weeks pregnant now. I found out July 31, 2007. Due date is next year on April 6.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Asakusa with mom and Taku

I visited ASAKUSA with my mom and brother, Taku. Taku lives around this area. Asakusa is popular area to visit because of the things you see behind me. That is Sensou shrine.

This is me and my brother, Taku in front of the shrine. People are supposed to wash their hands first, but we forgot. We are so excited to get the smoke on our body because the smoke is supposed to be good for you. I put it on my head because the smoke supposed to help me to be smarter, wiser, and brighter...hopefully.

We stopped for some snacks. Look how happy she is.

I do feel very very sorry for Chris, my husband. Guess where we ate, Chris!! I got SHABU-SHABU and they ate SUKIYAKI. Oh, yeeeeeeeeeees. It was GREAT. ha ha ;) SOOOOOOOO sorry, and I missed you, Chris!!

Friday, April 20, 2007

Happiest couple on this earth right now!!

They are getting married very very soon. Don't they look great together!? They worked at the same school (Boston Higashi School-residence) with me and my husband, Chris for a long time. They say they are moving to British Columbia/Vancouver, Canada. Very happy for them and make me think about 2 years ago when I got married. Happy.

They are very good people and I missed them so much because they are the people who worked hard/grew up together sharing many good time and hard time while we were together working at Boston Higashi School.

At each period of the time in your life, you might share your very precious time with the different people. I wonder why I don't keep in touch with many of my good friends in the past. Aki and Hemant left where I still work for and again they are about to move onto another stage of their lives. They are people I would like to keep in touch for many years coming. I feel very sorry for Chris and also Hemant because they are buddies always talking about stupid stuff.. guys stuff. Chris is not here this time. I believe meeting only me was not satisfactory to Hemant. Sorry!! But I hope they can catch up with each other soon.


Hemant and my husband, Chris was always making fun of the mistakes Japanese people made on English. The last time when we came back, Chris found the word "flower" (花) was "frower" -it was on the socks and "fleece (羊毛) jacket" was "freece jacket" -it was on the price tag.

Fa ra ra ra, ra-ra, ra ra ra!!
(Do we really not "Fa La La" !?)

April 20 is always my brother's birthday!!

This is my cute little brother, Taku. April 20 is my brother's birthday. I love him so much and he is my baby. I was always worried about him like.."What if he is feeling sad!?" I knoooooooow any big sisters are like that. Well, he actually did take care of himself on his own very very good many many years. And I am very proud of him. I still don't want to think about what IF he is feeling sad and down. I want him to be happy.

I got him an usual cake me and my mom always gets for him..a cake from 'TOPS.' My grandma got another ones from a store in neighbor. You see she is trying so hard to show cakes she got and try to have him eat the one SHE got for him. Everybody ate too much cake on my brother's birthday. We still treat him as a small boy I guess. We still feed him exactly same things he loved when he was a small boy. Cakes and stakes, see..!?

Thursday, April 19, 2007

With My Mother

This is my mom eating a piece of cake and me drinking the first coffee (hot) in Japan.

I have to say I love and missed going out with mother to do window shopping. If you are a girl, just spending time together with mom is very nice. Also who don't like spending time for window shopping with her? She might get you something!! ha ha Well, this time I had a little bit harder time to do that because the things in Japan are very very expensive. Things/trends in Japan are always crazy and changing very rapidly. I have been trying to catch up and find out what is going on in Japan now.


Instead..I very much enjoyed food from the food court, sushi/sashimi(raw fish), and Japanese crazy cool..fine stationery today.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Visiting Masaki and Nanami/ななみちゃーん!!

My first mission I wanted to do during this trip was to see these people. The left is my cousin, Masaki and her daughter, Nanami.

This is Nanami. She belongs to 'Panda Bear' classroom. My cousin, Masaki went to get her, but her class was during the nap time. There were many many students's slippers from Panda Bear class in the hallway. I found Nanami's slippers too.

In Japan, there are shopping cart like she is riding. Isn't it too much or what?
Well, she is so cute in it anyway.

This is their new home they bought. Masaki said that the house is small when we were talking on the phone. I was no idea how small the typical Japanese house looks like nowadays. The house looked great and was in the great shape. I thought that there is no way to get this kind of house in Tokyo area. It wasn't too far from the center of Tokyo either. They had a space to park their car too. It was nice to visit.