Monday, September 24, 2007


eating for my baby!!

今年4月に母と東京国立博物館でレオナルド ダ ヴィンチの大作「受胎告知」をみた。 いとこのマキちゃんはそのとき妊娠2,3ヶ月だったか??? 私はあの時彼女の妊娠しているおなかを触って自分のも触った。まきちゃんも友達のおなかを触ってからその後すぐ妊娠したそうだ。 友達のおなかは、ちょっとした天使のガブリエルのようだ。 私もそれから3ヶ月して妊娠した。


Me and my mom went to Tokyo National Museum and saw Leonardo DaVinci's "Annunciation" At that time, my cousin Masaki was 2 or 3 months pregnant!? I touched her belly with her baby in it, and then I touched mine too. Masaki had touched her pregnant friend's belly several months ago. Soon she became pregnant. Friend's pregnant belly is like the angel Gabriel. Soon I became pregnant too.

I am 12 weeks pregnant now. I found out July 31, 2007. Due date is next year on April 6.

1 comment:

GEO said...

I'm very happy to hear that news,
April is a very good month for me.
We can see many cherry blossoms and my birthday.

Next year ,we'll be able to have one more good meaning.