Thursday, December 23, 2010

ハヌカからクリスマス/Hanukkah to Christmas


We finished the 8 days of Hanukkah and we did set up our Christmas tree! I bought this Menorah from Target for kids. I think it said it's puzzle on the box!??? Well, it's kids friendly. No real lights, no wax, no injury!! I also got Ayane two Hanukkah plates. She is still doing great eating and trying lots of food.

クリスマスツリーも何年も使っているイケヤの安いツリーです。ちょっとスケスケなので、来年はちょっとグレードアプしたいなー! ダディ−とアヤネが飾り付けをしました。来年は治人も参加できるカシラとママはとても楽しみです。

Daddy and Ayane did great job putting up ornaments. Next year, Jake will be doing this with daddy, mommy, and Ayane all together☺!!

ニューヨーク-ロングアイランド/Trip to Long Island, NY


So we went to see Jessica and her family with Jake to Long Island, New York for the first time in October. Oops. Took a long time to post this one. We had so many nice pictures so. We took her advice and took a ferry from Conneticet to East side of Long Island not going through the bridge to Long Island. We LOVED it. Me and Chris originally love a boat ride. It was much fun with kids!! So this nice lady, Jessica sent this beautiful quilt to Jake showing below. She also made a quilt for Ayane when she was born. We had the great time down there going the great farm with Jessica and her family. Especially Ayane had the great time with George by chasing him around.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

アヤネの初めてのママの絵!/Ayane drew mummy!!


アヤネの初めてのママの絵です!! 仕事から家に帰って来たらベットの上にアヤネが保育園から持って帰って来た作品がいくつかありました。その中からこの絵を見つけました。

I have a post I am working on but I had to do this post about something made me feel so so sooooo special as a mom.

Ayane drew mummy!! When I came home, I found the stuck of Ayane's artworks from her daycare. Then, I found this among them!! I am not really sure how this drawing is exactly me. Her teacher might asked Ayane if this is me and she just said yes!? OR she drew it when her teacher told her to draw me!? Well, this tiring day with lots and lots jobs needed to be done at work after the sleepless night taking care of my sick kids all night long last night turned out the great day for mummy

Thursday, October 28, 2010

ロッタ ヤンスドッター/Lotta Jansdotter


When the weather was getting cooler after the summer, all what I have been thinking is New England long cold winter. I found this Lotta person. I made a scarf just by looking at the picture from her book at the store and then made a hat after I ended up buying her book as usual. Obviously Ayane did not want to put the scarf on but it was very cold and I convinced her to wear it. I have to reposition the button to make it look better. I made the hat for her but it was much too small for her but a little too big for Jake. So I have to add an inch to the pattern and try it again.

Monday, October 25, 2010

優しいお姉ちゃんとプリンセッスごっこ!?/Pretend princess!?


I praised Ayane for putting a blanket on Jake when I asked her to do so. I am not sure why I asked her. Maybe because she tried to touch her or do something to Jake which I tried to prevent. But anyway. So this positive reinforcement made her go farther. She decided to be extra nice to her brother and nicely gave him her precious stuff like her SNOW SNOW and BABY dolls. Then she decided to play with him. She doesn't quite distinguish boy stuff and girl stuff. She started to putting a ring, nickles, and bracelet. Jake was ended up putting Ayane's old milk bottle in his mouth. Again Ayane is trying to be nice to her brother. Well, Jake looked pretty comfortable sitting down there and getting princess treatment. He mostly cannot simply take Ayane's high pitch and tone of voice. It will be fun to see both of them start playing together.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

ヘイライド/CN Smith Farm


We went to CN Smith Farm in East Bridgewater for the hayride. The festival was going on there so Ayane tried the pony ride and of course her favorite, the bounce house too. It's getting cold in New England but the temperature went up and became very gorgeous day.

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

ホームメイドスカート着ました!/Homemade skirt!



Ayane put on the skirt I made with exaggerated encouragement saying "Ooooh soooo PRETTY!!" She started to understand the word pretty or like princess stuff. She plays with jewelry and start liking the pretty dresses. I first thought she might hate the tights but she was ok with all outfit I picked since she had worn the pretty dress and tights when she went to the wedding party saying "oh, pretty dress" and spinning around.

This day, we went to Blue Hills Reservation, the near by state forest to feed ducks. Daddy promised her to do that this past weekend. She fed the ducks, played with acorn and branches. Of course with rocks, her favorite. She then fed herself OREO cookie and came back.

Friday, October 01, 2010

スカート パート2/Skirt 2


I made another skirt out of her old dress. Why another one!? I am putting all Ayane's summer clothes away and putting fall and winter clothes in her cabinet. We usually pack all clothes she grew out of into bags and give them away to our friends but I cut this dress and made a skirt especially because I think I bought this dress myself but she did not wear it much. Besides it's a cute fabric. I now like the combination of skirts and tights. I never really let her wear skirt but pants. I don't like her to sit down on the cold floor at the daycare when she is playing or anytime. I hate being cold or expose my legs. I didn't let her wear shorts much either for a long time. Just I cannot take it thinking that Ayane is feeling very cold and uncomfortable putting her thigh on the cold floor and nobody really care or realize how she sits or where she sits or how cold that is etc even though I know that I am a bit.....crazy bit hey. I let her wear onesies for a long time. I know daycare staff did not like it because it's a pain in neck for them to take pants off, unbutton, change a diaper, put buttons, and put pants back on BUT I didn't want her belly to feel cold or touch something with it. CRAZY but if you are Japanese, you will understand and agree with me!? I will upload pictures of Ayane wearing these next time.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

トイレの練習/Potty training

トイレトレーニング始めてまーす。真剣は真剣ですが真剣じゃないんです。今のところ、ウンチがだいぶ出来るようになってきています。ウンチの時は特にどっかに隠れてしていました。顔を見ればだいたいわかり、今ではよく自分から言えるようにもなりました。ウンチが出そうなのがわかって、そしたら言っているんです。でもずっとウンチが出すのがいやで足を絡ませてトイレの前で、「ノー、ノー!!」って言っていました。気持ち悪いのか痛いのかいやがっていました。まだおむつにもしちゃうんですが、トイレでできたらシール!という事になってます。おしっこはトイレに行けば大体いつもできますが、おむつはだいたいいつも濡れています。ほんとは、カレンダーかなにかにシールを貼るつもりだったんですがなんでかこうなってしまいました (ってパパがそうしろっていったんです)。

We have been trying to teach Ayane to use a potty. Kinda serious kinda not. Not persistent. So far she pee pee on the potty pretty much every time we let her sit on it but again we are not pushing this too hard so she still wets her diaper/Pull Ups. We more focus on poo poo. We caught her poo poo on her pants making 'pushing' red face mainly hiding behind the dining table. So she now tells us when poo poo is coming and go to the potty even though she hated it to poo on the potty. She holds it so hard crossing her legs (so cute when she does that !) in front of the potty refusing to sit down and asking for a new diaper to put on. I think she hates the sensation of poo poo coming. She always said "NOOOOOO NOOOO!" and wanted to put her diaper back on so that she can poo poo on it. She could use the potty for pee pee but not potty so I don't exactly don't know what she doesn't like. She now poo on the potty but cries and asks us to wipe her bum bum after she pooed!? Well, she gets stickers after she pee or poo. Something to encourage her and make this experience positive and fun. We tried to get something like calendar or something to put the stickers on but ended up letting her put stickers on the potty (that's daddy let her do that in the first place).

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

スカート作り/Handmade skirt


I made a skirt for Ayane out of my old t shirt. Came out ok besides it was just a test. I love easy stuff. I cut it 11 inches from the bottom, and fold and saw two lines on the top to put elastic in. No need to trim the hem or anything. Aynae did not like it because I put it over the pants she was already wearing. Also I didn't use the correct size elastic so she felt uncomfortable around her waist. Well, I will try better next time with better fabric.