Ayane was 2 months old when she went strawberry picking for the first time. It was my first time too so I went crazy picking them and Chris ended up watching Ayane who was in the stroller for the whole time. I think we were so tired and busy taking care of a newborn baby but I did not want to be stuck in the house but do something fun, and I think I was so excited about the life with her and doing this "family activities." So this year was her second time! She actually did not pick strawberry but she was munching them me and Chris picked. It seemed she enjoyed a lot than we expected. This year Chris went crazy picking strawberries. It is addictive to pick strawberries but you have to be patient. You will be amazed how much strawberries are there but many of them are small. The thing is you have to find the big ones!! Small ones are sour. I don't stay in one place. There is always a big one in every one or two feet apart. You have to pick the big ones. They are sweet. Well, everyone came home with red stains on the shirts. (Sorry, the 2nd video is sideways!)

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