Sunday, June 28, 2009



Ayane suddenly started cheering while I was watching Wimbledon today. It used to be one word or two, but now it's more like talking. It was like "Oh, come one!! You can do better than that!!" I wonder where she got that!?

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Ayane tickled daddy this time by saying "tickle." It's more like she just copied daddy and mommy but did not understand the concept yet. Well, the way she said tickle was soooooooooooo cute TO US, to the proud parents. Also I was amazed by the fact she sat down and tickle (her) feet and how/how quick a human being learns those things since I have been teaching students with special needs. Daddy originally in this video showed her tickling his foot but his knee too. How does she know to tickle her feet? She does tries to put shoes on yes, she holds a bag and keys when she thinks we are heading out. But we never asked her to give us a kiss but she seems to know to give us a kiss on our lips!! Well, how fun to see my daughter grows! I must try harder and my very best on her Japanese skills!! It seems to me that she is much much better with words and understanding the concept. I heard the word "book' the other day. In any language the word book must be a basic word a baby leans, right!? I really need to work on my only Japanese relationship with Ayane!!  

Sunday, June 21, 2009

イチゴ狩り/Strawberry picking


Ayane was 2 months old when she went strawberry picking for the first time. It was my first time too so I went crazy picking them and Chris ended up watching Ayane who was in the stroller for the whole time. I think we were so tired and busy taking care of a newborn baby but I did not want to be stuck in the house but do something fun, and I think I was so excited about the life with her and doing this "family activities." So this year was her second time! She actually did not pick strawberry but she was munching them me and Chris picked. It seemed she enjoyed a lot than we expected. This year Chris went crazy picking strawberries. It is addictive to pick strawberries but you have to be patient. You will be amazed how much strawberries are there but many of them are small. The thing is you have to find the big ones!! Small ones are sour. I don't stay in one place. There is always a big one in every one or two feet apart. You have to pick the big ones. They are sweet. Well, everyone came home with red stains on the shirts. (Sorry, the 2nd video is sideways!)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

パパとおじさん/Da-Da vs.Uncle

チーズ・ジュース・ダダ・ママに始まり、もっと(ちょうだい)!の意味のモアー・Moreや終わり!の意味のダン・Doneも言えるようになってエッ???って思いますが、今日はなんとアヤネが英語で「おじさん!・Uncle!」って言えました!? ウッソー!!カの行が言えるなんてまだまだ想像も期待もしてなかったんですが、なんと叔父さんという意味の“Uncle"をそれも連発しました。ビデオを取る前も後も連発してたんです。ビーックリ!!明日もチョット言わせてみようと思います。
It started from words like "cheese" "juice" "da-da" "ma-ma." She now says "more" and she signs for that!! She says "done" at the end of her meal. BUT BUT BUT today, Surprise! Ayane said a word "Uncle" today!? I never imagined and expected her to say words with C or K sound yet, but she REPEATED the word "uncle." I have to try and let her say it tomorrow again!.

Monday, June 08, 2009

お耳の歌/Do Your Ears Hang Low?

本当に“お耳の歌”っていうのではないんですが、“いとまきのうた”とか“げんこつやまのタヌキさん”みたいに手遊びできるアメリカの歌でお耳とお鼻を触る手遊び歌をチャレンジしています♪♪♪ いきなりアヤネが自分の耳を触っているのをパパが発見!イエイ!!
Daddy and Ayane is practicing a song called "Do your ears hang low?" The other day she started touching her ears♪♪♪

Saturday, June 06, 2009

またまたブルーヒルズ/Blue Hills-Chickatawbut

またまたブルーヒルズにハイキングしに行ってきました。今回はパパとママの働いている学校で前に働いていてパパとはボーイスカウトで小さい時からの友達のクリスも一緒に来てくれました。Chickatawbutって日本語でどう書けばいいかかわかりません。“マサチューセッツ”っていう名前も含めけっこう沢山のアメリカ先住民が使っていた名前が残っています。Chickatawbutもそのひとつ。って前に紹介した自然保護地区Blue Hillsにある一つのハイキングコースの名前です。

We went hiking at Blue Hills again. This time daddy's good friend Chris came along. They were friends from Boy Scouts time and Chris used to work for the school mommy and daddy works. I don't know how to spell Chickatawbut in Japanese but I believe the words like Chickatawbut and Massachusetts came from Native Americans. There are many names like these here in Massachusetts. Well, Chickatawbut is one of Blue Hills hiking trails.


Thursday, June 04, 2009

バイダイ/Bye dye

一度バイバイが言えるようになったはずだったんですが、いつのまにか「バイダイ!」になってしまいました。きっと「バイバイ、ダディー(Daddy)!」と言っていたのがその後バイバイとダディーが混ざってしまって{バイダイ!」になってしまったのだと私は思っているんです。私がドアの近くで鞄を持ったり靴を履いたり鍵を持ったりすると特にちゃんとタイミングよく「バイダイ! バイダイ!!」って連発します。でもいまだに誰かがアヤネに向かって「バイバイ!」って言ってくれても滅多にタイミングよくバイバイできません。自分中心なのでアヤネ自身がAという場所からBという場所に行く!ということを自覚してそれとタイミングよくすべての環境が揃った時にいたラッキーでアヤネにバイバイしてくれたその人はアヤネの「バイダイ」が聞けます。残念ながら今はその人がいなくなっちゃってからバイバイが多いですね。

Ayane was able to say "bye-bye" to people once, but bye-bye turned into "BYE-DYE" now. I think she says "bye dye" because I often said to her "Say, bye bye daddy!" when daddy was leaving the house. She repeats "bye dye" when I start getting stuff like bags, jackets, keys or putting my shoes on. Sadly she still cannot say "bye" in a timely manner too often to people who nicely say bye to her. The world turns all around her. If you have to say bye to her when she is aware and understand she is going to move one place to another then you can hear her saying "bye bye" to you. She often says bye bye after the person actually left her sight.

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

メモリアルデイ/Memoriatl Day


We were invited to Nana and Papa's Memorial Day Cookout last week. People call it "cookout" which I think people in Japan call it "BBQ." Well that's what people here in US will usually have on Memorial Day because cookout is the summer thing, I guess. Here in United States, Memorial Day which at the end of May means the beginning of summer and Labor Day which at the end of August means the end of summer. It seems kids are out of school and people take a vacation now.


Chris and daddy-2 or 3 Papa and Nana's house can fit in their backyard so they mow one area and played golf there!

おじいちゃんの芝刈り機/papa's land mower