I created this blog for my family and friends to know what is going on my life and be a part of my life. Also I want to feel close to them and be a part of their life. Please leave me a message and keep in touch. Mama DAISUKI-yo!! Love you all.
またまたブルーヒルズにハイキングしに行ってきました。今回はパパとママの働いている学校で前に働いていてパパとはボーイスカウトで小さい時からの友達のクリスも一緒に来てくれました。Chickatawbutって日本語でどう書けばいいかかわかりません。“マサチューセッツ”っていう名前も含めけっこう沢山のアメリカ先住民が使っていた名前が残っています。Chickatawbutもそのひとつ。って前に紹介した自然保護地区Blue Hillsにある一つのハイキングコースの名前です。
We went hiking at Blue Hills again. This time daddy's good friend Chris came along. They were friends from Boy Scouts time and Chris used to work for the school mommy and daddy works. I don't know how to spell Chickatawbut in Japanese but I believe the words like Chickatawbut and Massachusetts came from Native Americans. There are many names like these here in Massachusetts. Well, Chickatawbut is one of Blue Hills hiking trails.
Ayane was able to say "bye-bye" to people once, but bye-bye turned into "BYE-DYE" now. I think she says "bye dye" because I often said to her "Say, bye bye daddy!" when daddy was leaving the house. She repeats "bye dye" when I start getting stuff like bags, jackets, keys or putting my shoes on. Sadly she still cannot say "bye" in a timely manner too often to people who nicely say bye to her. The world turns all around her. If you have to say bye to her when she is aware and understand she is going to move one place to another then you can hear her saying "bye bye" to you. She often says bye bye after the person actually left her sight.
Chris and daddy-2 or 3 Papa and Nana's house can fit in their backyard so they mow one area and played golf there!
おじいちゃんの芝刈り機/papa's land mower