Tuesday, April 28, 2009

ケープコット/Cape Cod


It's been very nice and we had very high temperature like 70s to 80s so we went down to Cape Cod. It was the Ayane's first beach experience too. Daddy was very worried about Ayane who might not like beach or swimming since mommy doesn't like swimming and she says NO to swimming every time daddy asks her to go swimming with him. Ayane did pretty good job walking on the sand and seemed enjoying playing with shells.

Monday, April 27, 2009

アイスクリーム/Ice Cream

パパとママの仕事が休みみという事で1日中家の中ににいるのもアヤネがおかしくなってしまうのでCastle Islandという海に近い所にまた散歩しに行きました。この日は週末で温度も上がったので今までに見たこともないほどの人たちがいてビーチでは4月なのに水着で日光浴やビーチバレーまでしている人が沢山でした。私達は散歩の途中で車でやってくるアイスくりーむ屋さんのアイスクリームも食べました。

The temperature was very nice and we went to Castle Island and near by beach for walk. There were so many people I've never seen before. They were in bathing suits getting tan, walking, BBQ, flying a kite and so on. We walked around there and ate ice cream.

Friday, April 24, 2009



Finally the nice weather is here in MA. Daddy and mommy has 2 weeks off from work so we have more time to play together. So Ayane tried the slide and she seemed loving going down the slide.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

ワゴン乗り/Riding on wagon


We went for a walk around our neighbor with Ayane riding on her wagon which she got for her birthday from Uncle Jon. We met our neighbor with a dog named Lily. Ayane did good job sitting on her wagon. Thank you Uncle Jon!

Monday, April 20, 2009

アヤネ2回目のヘアカット/Ayane's 2nd haircut


Sunday, April 19, 2009

まねっこおサル/Monkey see Monkey do


Ayane is getting smart and we can actually see it. For instance, she tries to put a lid on the whatever the thing has a lid and she places a sock on her foot and tries to put the sock on or places a hat on her head. Most of all, she says "bye bye" to herself and people. This video you will see her trying to blow the air into the inflatable bath tub like daddy did.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

アヤネ誕生日の写真/Aynae's birthday party photos

Family photo. There is a family photo behind us on the wall 。
which we took a few days after we were dismissed from the 。
year ago. It's Castle Island in Boston.


Happy Birthday, Ayane! Mommy and daddy did a good job on your first year.

オモチャも。。。/She got toys and..

洋服も。。/clothes too and...
Wagon from Uncle Jon too!!!

It's Kay, the school receptionist. She is so sweet and stayed all day for Ayane.
She always gives us the prettiest clothes for Ayane.

She is Michelle and girls. Michelle was mommy and daddy's school nurse and
the first non family member who I said I was pregnant. She gave me a lot of advice.

Keiko-san..who is Ayane's 2nd Japanese mother who has been
feeding mommy Japanese recipes since mommy was in collage.
She own Cambridge travel in Cambridge where I always get air tickets.

Ayane got her first track from Lucy who works with mommy and daddy.
Good joy riding it, Ayane!

Ayane loves Mayu. She cannot stop smiling while looking at Mayu.
She was the first non family member who babysit Ayane when mommy was sick.


Ayane? or mommy got this backpack thing Ayane can go hiking with mommy.
It's like mommy's birthday present came 6 months earlier. Yeah!!
There is this mirror thing attached to this backpack thing and I can check on Ayane while hiking.

She did not like to be put into this thing because there were so many people
at the party so she wanted to be held by mommy and daddy. I will wait and try again.

Thank you everyone for coming. Well, mommy did not do goo job taking
taking photos. Please let us have copies if you have some. Please!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

アヤネ1才になりましたー!/Ayane's first birthday!

Ayane had her 1st birthday on April 12, 2009!!



Ayane started walking with her shoes on now. She eats her meal using her hands and sometimes she uses her spoon especially because mommy and daddy get so excited and cheer when she eats with her spoon. She communicates with us about what she wants by saying "Ah-!?Ah-!?" We had her birthday party on April 11 because her real birthday was Easter Sunday the busy day for everyone. Thank you everyone!! I should say/write "something" for her 1st birthday from her mother to Ayane on this post but the more I think about my daughter the more I understand how much and how my parents love me and raised me. I would like to thank my parents on this day. Well, I am so happy that she is in good spirits and very healthy. I love you so much, Ayane. I wish your happiness and health, and also I wish you will enjoy your wonderful life coming ahead. I always love you, care about you, support you, encourage you and be there for you, always!!

I would like to thank everyone who always supports me, is kind, and care about me. Thank you. Well, it was the most wonderful year of my life. Gosh, so many things happened every single day, the wonderful things. Baby pimples on her face. Saw tears in her eyes for the first time(5/15). The first day I saw her smile (5/20). The day she got her first mail (6/3). Started staring at objects. Kicking her legs on a bouncer chair. First stay over at her grandparents house (7/7). First day at the day care (7/21). First laugh/giggle (7/21). Trip to Japan and turned over (4 months old). Started crawling (Dec.) and walking (Mar.) and... I should stop. If I think about it now, the period of pregnancy was great too. The whole process of having a baby is great!! While I was pregnant, I was saying I don't feel it's real and I wasn't loving it. Of course I wanted to have a baby and we did. Just it was the first pregnancy and I believe it happens to many women!? Definitely I will do this again. I want to have another baby and experience this 'feeling' again. This pregnancy and giving a birth experience!!! I get so excited about raising a child experience and all the things will happen to us in the future so I don't have another child. I wonder when me and Aynae will be able to walk holding hands together, when she kisses me on my cheek, and she puts her clothes on and she brushes her teeth by herself? Well, like everybody says "Ayane needs her brother or sister!" I also wonder if there are people in Japan like here in US who keep having 5, 6 and more babies?? I think there are many Americans who have more than 3 kids than Japan. I have never seen anyone my and my mother's generation have more than 3 kids. But, just for right now I think I can understand why they have many kids. I want to wait a little while to have another baby but I think I will never have another baby if I wait too long. Do you know what I mean?

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

ハンドメイドフリースジャケット/Handmade fleece jacket


I tried a jacket this time...no I made an easy looking one. It's called "Sweet Wee Jacket" from Amy Karol person's new book "bend-the-rules SEWING book. Like the book says, the jacket is made with just two seams and finish with a bias binding at the neck. Nothing was done for the raw edge. I have to say this jacket was easiest thing to make ever. It took just one hour, really. I think I will make same jackets with different color fleece fabric or lighter fabric for her and some of my friends.

歯4になりましたー!/Teeth shot!


Score! Daddy took a picture of Ayane with a big smile showing her teeth. She has total 4 teeth right now. She started gliding her teeth sometimes. I wonder it is ok for her to do that although she does not do that all the time. I usually massage around her cheek and tell her it doesn't sound good so quit! She had her first tooth came out in January, second bottom in Februarry, and two on the top middle. So fast. I already got eaten/bitten by her, once!