Monday, February 09, 2009


節分に日本から送ってきてくれたお豆を食べました。パパはお仕事だったので鬼役がいないし、まだアヤネにはまだわからないと思うので家族の2009年の無病息災を願ってママはお豆さんを食べてアヤネはおばあちゃんがお豆と一緒に送ってきてくれた福豆のおまけの鬼のお面を楽しみました。季節の変わり目!?ってボストンだから日本で言えるような季節の変わり目な季節なのかわかりませんが、アヤネの鼻水が出てきました。いつも明け方はマイナス10度とかそれ以下だったり日中はいつも3度位の時期なのに週末から10度近くまで上がったりしています。お豆は自分の年寄り1つ多く食べると体が丈夫になり、風邪をひかないというならわしがあるけれど1つ以上食べましたが1つもそれ以上も関係ないんでしょうか!? とにかく体が丈夫になり風邪をひかないとイイナ。

It was Setsubun the other day, usually February 3rd. It's a part of seasons we divide into, I believe 24, in Japan. We throw beans out of the door to get rid of evil out of the house? or avoid the evil spirit to come in. Then try to let the luck into the house. We shout out saying "Oni wa soto! Fuku wa uchi!" When you buy a pack of beans around this time, a mask of evil comes with it so that someone from your family can wear it and play the role of the evil. The someone get beans thrown at. We also eat beans, I believe soybeans. You have to eat the number of your age. If you are 30, you eat 30 beans. If you eat 1 extra, you are supposed to have better health and don't get sick all year. I ate more than 1 extra. I hope I won't get sick this year. Well, daddy who was supposed to put the mask on was at work, so Ayane enjoyed playing with that mask my mom set to us and I enjoyed, more like force myself to eat more than 35 beans!


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