Monday, December 19, 2011

ダンスクラス/Dance class Xmas party


Ayane had Christmas party at her dance class. They exchange presents and parents could see the class which we usually cannot see because kids get distracted. She has been liking to dance while watching TV so daddy wanted to take her to dance class. We also though it is good for her to be in the large group setting. She has been attending 45 minutes class every Saturday for a several months now.


Very first class we could observe a little how she does and she was just stood on the line for the whole class. Kids next to her could not move towards her side even though instructor was telling to dance towards right and left because Ayane does not move but was blocking them by standing still. Whoever it was, they said it takes a while but she will get used to it. Daddy always takes her to the class and takes her back. He is the one always communicate with the instructor so I never expected that it would happen again? still? No way! REALLY??? She was not following ANY directions towards the whole class. Yes, she showed a turn and did somersault in front of everyone by herself but it was because the instructor told kids one by one calling them to do so. OH, NO!!! I remember some movements they do so I might practice them so the it might be easier for her to do that at the dance class. Finger crossed!!

Her feet are glued together.

Other kids were tapping knees.

Yes, she can sit on the line.

Mine and daddy's inner voice was screaming "stand uuuuuup, pleeeeease!"

Sunday, December 11, 2011




Ayane likes dressing up these days. She often comes down and says "Look, mommy! I dressed up, princess!!" When I leave her with her babysitter, I see 3 different sets of clothes in one day. So I grabbed all costumes she has from Halloween and other stuff like a wand and sunglasses and put them in her chest. She has a tutu from clothes store but I decided to make one to add to her dress up chest so that she can be away from the real clothes to change into, hoping. I made one using a ribbon not elastic this time of course using PURPLE tulle so that I don't have to use my sewing machine. It was so easy and made one for her daycare friend Anna! Just had hard time taking pictures. I just could not let two little princesses stay still and looking at my camera ; )

Saturday, November 19, 2011

クランベリーフェスティバル/Cranberry festival

保育園の友達のアンナちゃん家族に誘ってもらって、クランベリーフェスティバルに行ってきました。って、だいぶ前に行ったんでした。フェスティバルだったので楽しい催し物が沢山あり、治人は初一人馬乗りでした:)私が日本にいた時には聞いた事もなかったですが, 日本でもクランベリージュースがあるようですね。 こちらの人気というか出回り方では、りんご、(牛乳、)クランベリー、オレンジジュースの順番ではないでしょうか? 特にお子ちゃまドリンクは。私がちょっと甘過ぎるようで買わないのですが、アヤネもなかなか気に入って飲んでました。


Ayane's school mate family invited us to go to Cranberry Festival in Wareham in October. I was sooo sooooo excited about my first Cranberry Festival but all were tired and I could not go to see the bog. Next time!! I have never heard of cranberry when I was in Japan in 1995 but I heard they have some cranberry juice there now. Ayane had the great time with her friend and Jake did great with horse ride for the first time.

Thursday, September 01, 2011

フォックスウッド カジノ/Foxwoods

コネチカット州にある フォックスウッド カジノ にやって来ました。おじいちゃんがまたまたフォックスウッドからただ部屋をゲットしたからです。それも2部屋!イェイ!! ママはもちろんケチなのでカジノには行きません。食べるだけ。子供はゲームセンター。そして、廊下をひたすら走り回るのです。

We came to Foxwoods. Bubba got TWO free rooms!! I don't go casino. I'm cheap and believe I have no luck. I get what I want with money I have now. I also just go eat at buffet. Kids go arcade and just run around the hallway of 11th floor.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

ボストン子供博物館/Children's museum in Boston

図書館で博物館の割引券をもらってボストンの子供博物館へ行ってきました。前回は抱っこされていた治人も、 今回はあやねと一緒に博物館を歩いて見て回りました。

Jake could enjoy some parts of museum this time. Last time he went he was a newborn and held by me.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

ハリケーン アイリーン/Hurricane Irene day


Hurricane Irene gave us no electricity and we started coloring! Jake just grabbing everyone's crayon and throwing things. Ayane trying hard but having hard time with her little brother taking her crayon away. He is taking my phone too! Ahhhhhh!!!!


Made a tent.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

あやね作ジャコメッティ♪♪♪/My little Giacometti

最近あやねがたくさん人の顔の絵を描くようになりましたが、今日粘土で人の顔を作っているのを発見!! 手と足 も出ています。 それもクレヨンで描く時と同じプロポーションでできています。それが何ともまた面白い:)

I found Ayane making human face with play doh today. Has arms and legs exactly look like picture she draws on paper. I thought it was funny.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

またまたニューハンプシャー/New Hampshire again and again


Third time this season. This time we went again to Santa's Village with our family friend.


White family favorite lake Echo lake. It's NH state park. It is in the middle of North Conway but not packed at all. It was like our private beach. It was our second time there. Oh, we will go back there again soon. We will try out White lake state park too next time but it was crowded like Myles Standish state park.

Family photo

Ayane is still scared of feeding animals from her hand


We stopped by at Salisbury beach to let kids stretch legs because Hampton beach was too crowded with crazy partying people. We had a chance to see band playing, play arcade games and hot dog for Jake.