Thursday, December 23, 2010

ハヌカからクリスマス/Hanukkah to Christmas


We finished the 8 days of Hanukkah and we did set up our Christmas tree! I bought this Menorah from Target for kids. I think it said it's puzzle on the box!??? Well, it's kids friendly. No real lights, no wax, no injury!! I also got Ayane two Hanukkah plates. She is still doing great eating and trying lots of food.

クリスマスツリーも何年も使っているイケヤの安いツリーです。ちょっとスケスケなので、来年はちょっとグレードアプしたいなー! ダディ−とアヤネが飾り付けをしました。来年は治人も参加できるカシラとママはとても楽しみです。

Daddy and Ayane did great job putting up ornaments. Next year, Jake will be doing this with daddy, mommy, and Ayane all together☺!!

ニューヨーク-ロングアイランド/Trip to Long Island, NY


So we went to see Jessica and her family with Jake to Long Island, New York for the first time in October. Oops. Took a long time to post this one. We had so many nice pictures so. We took her advice and took a ferry from Conneticet to East side of Long Island not going through the bridge to Long Island. We LOVED it. Me and Chris originally love a boat ride. It was much fun with kids!! So this nice lady, Jessica sent this beautiful quilt to Jake showing below. She also made a quilt for Ayane when she was born. We had the great time down there going the great farm with Jessica and her family. Especially Ayane had the great time with George by chasing him around.