Sunday, September 05, 2010

ボストン子ども博物館/Children's Museum in Boston


Ayane visited Children's Museum in Boston for the first time. One of the exhibits is Arthur from PBS Kids and Arthur is her favorite TV program right now. Also Pingu from Switzerland. We had a great day and also a long day going through many exhibits.


She played with the giant blocks and tried walking and standing on the form balance bars and steps.


Not sure and I have never tried to find out why this museum has a Japanese house exhibit but we visit it there. Tatami room, traditional Japanese toilet, Japanese garden, and mailbox which she is touching. She likes to get mails with daddy at home too.

She really spend a lot of time with balls. Not just let the ball go but observed the whole thing.

She also enjoyed water play A LOT. She always want to spend a lot of time in the bath.

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Anonymous said...
