トイレトレーニング始めてまーす。真剣は真剣ですが真剣じゃないんです。今のところ、ウンチがだいぶ出来るようになってきています。ウンチの時は特にどっかに隠れてしていました。顔を見ればだいたいわかり、今ではよく自分から言えるようにもなりました。ウンチが出そうなのがわかって、そしたら言っているんです。でもずっとウンチが出すのがいやで足を絡ませてトイレの前で、「ノー、ノー!!」って言っていました。気持ち悪いのか痛いのかいやがっていました。まだおむつにもしちゃうんですが、トイレでできたらシール!という事になってます。おしっこはトイレに行けば大体いつもできますが、おむつはだいたいいつも濡れています。ほんとは、カレンダーかなにかにシールを貼るつもりだったんですがなんでかこうなってしまいました (ってパパがそうしろっていったんです)。
We have been trying to teach Ayane to use a potty. Kinda serious kinda not. Not persistent. So far she pee pee on the potty pretty much every time we let her sit on it but again we are not pushing this too hard so she still wets her diaper/Pull Ups. We more focus on poo poo. We caught her poo poo on her pants making 'pushing' red face mainly hiding behind the dining table. So she now tells us when poo poo is coming and go to the potty even though she hated it to poo on the potty. She holds it so hard crossing her legs (so cute when she does that !) in front of the potty refusing to sit down and asking for a new diaper to put on. I think she hates the sensation of poo poo coming. She always said "NOOOOOO NOOOO!" and wanted to put her diaper back on so that she can poo poo on it. She could use the potty for pee pee but not potty so I don't exactly don't know what she doesn't like. She now poo on the potty but cries and asks us to wipe her bum bum after she pooed!? Well, she gets stickers after she pee or poo. Something to encourage her and make this experience positive and fun. We tried to get something like calendar or something to put the stickers on but ended up letting her put stickers on the potty (that's daddy let her do that in the first place).