とても彼を誇りに思っています。 彼はとてもハードウォーカーであり、子供をとても愛するすばらしい教師であり、一緒に働くにもすばらしいボスでもあります。10月14日で私もボストン東10年目を迎えました。 この10年たくさんのことを学びましたが、彼と同じ部署で働き始めて彼と一緒に働いてこなかったら10年も保ったかわからないほど私は影響されました。私の結婚式の誓いの言葉をいうときにも言いました...私が初めてボストン東で目にしたのは、クリスが子供たちを原っぱで追いかけていて、クリスも子供たちもとっても楽しそうに駆け回っていたところでした。今回私たち二人は新しい家族の一員を迎える準備をしています。もうすぐ私のすばらしいクリスが、私たち二人の子供と楽しく遊ぶ姿を見ることができます。とても幸せです。私たちも長い道のりを歩いてきたなと、10年という過去の事そしてクリスとの生活を思い出している今日この頃です。あー私頑張ったからご褒美は何にしよう。 誕生日ももうすぐです。私10月28日で33歳になります。皆さんはお元気ですか?
Chris went to Japan for a week since he was promoted to be the Residential Director and needed to recruit some people from Japan. Oops. To my dearest family, Chris got promoted to Residential Director since September 2007!!! I believe I should say this loud to my family. Funny thing to me is that Chris went to Japan without me. He has never been in Japan without me. Well, if you realize, we all work for a Japanese origin school. Bad thing was that he could not see my mother there. My mom was in Romania for a big conference kinda thing there at that time. He was once very happy that he could see my mother in Japan (before he finds out she wouldn't be there) and also I had visited Japan last April without him because I needed "my mommy" so bad.
I am proud of him. He is a hard worker, kids loving teacher and great person to work with. I just quietly celebrated(?) my 10th year anniversary at Boston Higashi School too. I started working for this school on October 14, 1997. I started in the same division Chris was also in called Early Childhood division, and have been working close together with him since. I am not sure I could make it all these years at work if he was not around. I learned alot from him, at work and in this country. If you were there and remembered, I said at my wedding that Chris was the very first person I saw playing and chasing after students at the field when I first visited Boston Higashi for my job interview. We are preparing ourselves to welcome a little one soon to our family. I will be able to see Chris plays with our child soon. I am very happy and excited.