Friday, September 28, 2007



クリス: 「オカアサン! オカアサンwill beオバアチャン!!」

うちのママ:「???(クリスの日本語を理解しようとしている) ....
wow!  I got it!!!




こんな事ブログに書くより、中野のうちの卓袱台で、ママと、おばあちゃんと、お2階の哲子おばちゃんと皆でお茶とお菓子を食べながらこんな話をしたい、のです。 彼女たちにはあまりいえない事は、いとこのマキちゃんとまみちゃんと話したいけど日本のように携帯でプルルってすぐ電話出来ないし。

特に何かむしょうに食べたくなるものはまだありません。消しゴムも食べたくありません(?) 家でただごろごろ転がってただけなので見せる写真もありません。すみません。

背中をさすってくれる人が天使のように見える2ヶ月目と3ヶ月目です。 どうぞ私に愛の手を! 背中をさすってくれるだけで、、、いえっ、それが!いいのです。 さすってくれた人ありがとう!!

Chris told pretty much to everybody about my pregnancy on the date we found out. I was supposed to be very happy and feel special??? when I found out my pregnancy. We were planning to do this so I was waiting for the date I can detect it every month. It had been more than several months since I had started trying to be pregnant. So it was very exciting and such a relief that I finally got pregnant. WELL, we were supposed to see Chris' parents on the day we found out about my pregnancy. I saw 2 red lines on pregnancy test stick. (Do people keep the stick??? Chris does) I needed more time to convince myself that I am pregnant and wanted to start feeling happy and enjoy being pregnant before people start talking about it and live the life of only me and Chris knows about it. But I ended up telling my close family about this on that day I peed on the stick before me exactly understanding what is happening to me . He says "Sooooooooooorry, I was veeeeeeeeeeeery haaaaaappy!!"

Well...Chris ended up talking to family on the phone. Chris said that my mom was in a total silence for more than several seconds after he said "Mother, you will be OBAA-CHAN(Nana)!!!" in the mix of Japanese and English. Me instead ended up not talking to my family until now. It's kinda awful but I missed the moment because he was veeeeeeeery haaaaaaaaapy.

In the first 2 weeks already, I was in a deep, deep morning sickness mode. I cannot believe many women before me went through this or worse. "The Book" says "Hanging there!! Morning sickness is the sign of your baby is doing good and growing!!! So, hanging in there!!" I was like "Oh, whatever BABY!!

Stop & Shop bagel worked very well and ginger ale so far the best. People who rub my back was like an "angel." Chris somehow changed...for a while...

I have to say I deserve MORE BACK RUB!! If I say so, I need more. He is busy at work so he tends to say "I am TIRED!!" I surprised my man changed a bit actually. I was happy and surprised actually. Men should not have any excuse to their pregnant wives!!! 100% NO I want my back rub now!!
On the other hand, I wish I can enjoy and share his happiness more with him and with my friends. I see he is happy sometimes. I know he is... but I am missing it. I have been sick. We care about each other, I mean everybody does. I couldn't fo much. Just feel awfully sick. Everybody says 2nd trimester will be much much better. I KNOW that, thank you for tell me, I know that. I totally to this sickness thing. Gotta be better. I will update my blog more often from now on with better and happier news and comments.

Monday, September 24, 2007


eating for my baby!!

今年4月に母と東京国立博物館でレオナルド ダ ヴィンチの大作「受胎告知」をみた。 いとこのマキちゃんはそのとき妊娠2,3ヶ月だったか??? 私はあの時彼女の妊娠しているおなかを触って自分のも触った。まきちゃんも友達のおなかを触ってからその後すぐ妊娠したそうだ。 友達のおなかは、ちょっとした天使のガブリエルのようだ。 私もそれから3ヶ月して妊娠した。


Me and my mom went to Tokyo National Museum and saw Leonardo DaVinci's "Annunciation" At that time, my cousin Masaki was 2 or 3 months pregnant!? I touched her belly with her baby in it, and then I touched mine too. Masaki had touched her pregnant friend's belly several months ago. Soon she became pregnant. Friend's pregnant belly is like the angel Gabriel. Soon I became pregnant too.

I am 12 weeks pregnant now. I found out July 31, 2007. Due date is next year on April 6.