新年明けましてオメデトウございます。今年は寅年、私の干支の年でーす。私たち家族は元気にやっております。毎日毎日、アヤネの成長に驚かされ楽しい毎日を送っております。アヤネは最近赤ちゃんの人形をバギーに乗せて、赤ちゃんにキスしたりヨシヨシしたりして話しかけています。あとは「ダディー、プリーズ!」とか「ママ来て!」とか言ってますますよく喋る様になりました。歌の歌詞の最後の言葉を歌ったり、パパが「ウー!!!」ってアヤネの事を捕まえようとすると「ヤダー!!」とか言ってにげたりしてかわいいです。パパはボストン東スクールの寮長の役に就いて3年目になりとても大変ながらもいつも私とアヤネのベストパパであります。ママの私のニュースとしては、今年の7月に二人目の子供を産む予定であります。昨日2回目の超音波の検査で脊髄の辺りをチェックしたようですがパーフェクトだといわれました。でも今回は前回と違って35歳になったママなのでいろいろちゃんとチェックしてもらっています。でもすごいですね、今回いわゆる世の中で言う高齢出産の人を沢山見かけます。年の事は私は全然心配していませんが私ごとではないのでちゃんと健康管理しようと思います。ちなみにいとこのマキちゃんも今年6月に出産予定です。アヤネはマキちゃんがたけるくんを妊娠している時に私がマキちゃんのオナカを触って妊娠菌をもらって妊娠したんです! 私たちって仲良しなんです! 楽しみですね。パパは二人で打ち止め!って言っているけども次も女の子だったら絶対私は三人目トライしたいですね。男の子!!前回より悪阻は悪くないですが2ヶ月から4ヶ月目に入った今も続いております。食べないと、食べても、食べたそばから食べないと気持ちが悪くて、今回はめまいもします。今のところの好物は、ジンジャーエール、カボチャの煮付け、キムチやキムチ系の辛いもの、うどん、もずくやお酢系のしょっぱいもの、うめぼし、カレーライス、たまにインスタントヌードル、(日本の)チョコレート、大根おろしの和風ハンバーグなどがメインで、けっこうその時その時食べたいものがはっきり決まりそれ以外食べられません。男の子でしょうか?女の子でしょうか?私は男の子に90%です。マキちゃんが教えてくれた中国の産み分けカレンダーがそう言っているので! ハハハ
Happy new year everyone! This year is the year of Tiger! It's my year. I will be 36 years old. Our family is doing good. We enjoy everyday watching our daughter, Ayane growing. She plays with her first baby doll patting her, kissing her, and pretending smelling her dirty diaper like her daddy tells her. It's so fun watching and hearing her talking to the doll like we talk which she picks up everyday. It's so funny. The other day she copied me saying "Oh maaaan!!" She also improved her talking in a longer sentence. "Daddy, please!" "Mommy come here!" "Are you ok (to the doll)!? etc. She sings songs singing the last word of songs like "(jingle all the) waaay" and "{Spongebob Square) paaaaants" etc. She is picking many more words everyday. For daddy, it's his 3rd year being the top of the residence program of Boston Higashi School. Even though all the work he has and stress, he is our best daddy in the whole world and me and Ayane loves him!!!! For mommy and our family, I am 4 months pregnant and the due date is July 17th, 2010!!! I had my 2nd ultrasound yesterday and they checked around the baby's spine but the doctor said it looked perfect. There is no word better than "perfect" for expecting mother! Since I turned 35 last year, they seem more cautious about this pregnancy just because. I am not worried but I am trying my best to eat healthy and control my health. Oh, my cousin Maki is expecting at the same time and her due is June. Me and her has good relationship. She supported me for my last pregnancy a lot and we talked about this "pregnant virus" which you get pregnant if you tough her belly and touch mine in a few months. I don't dislike these stuff. Happy stuff. We will find out the gender of the baby at the next appointment, probably, hopefully. Daddy says 2 is enough but definitely 3rd one IF the next one is a girl. I gotta have to have a boy and girl!! Maki is expecting 3rd one so I think I can do it too. My guess is more than 90% a boy like Maki told me about this crazy Chinese baby gender prediction calendar. Again just for fun thinking and taking about these fun stuff. 90% accuracy is crazy. Well, I am suffering this morning sickness but the level of this sickness is much lower than last time but I think it's kinda longer than last time. I cannot stop eating. Sickness won't stop even I keep eating. After stop eating the sickness comes right back. This time I feel dizzy too. So far I like to eat Japanese pumpkin called buttercup squash? in English?? ginger ale as usual, Korean Kimuchi or hot stuff, Udon noodle, pickles and other vinegary stuff, curry, occasionally instant cup noodle (it has sodium in it), Japanese chocolate snack, Japanese style "daikon-oroshi" hamburger are the main things. It's always the particular thing I want to eat ONLY. Nothing else makes me feel better complete but again I have keeping eating after I ate the particular thing I wanted to eat anyway so doesn't matter. I wonder this is the sign of boy or girl!?