Saturday, August 08, 2009

帆船/Tall ship Boston

スランプぎみで更新が遅れましたスミマセン!もう7月の始めの話だったんですが、ボストンに帆船が来てたんです。愛さんが一緒に見に行ってくれました。6月7月の頭までずーっとへんな天気だったんですがこの日は暑いくらい好い天気で帆船を見るにはもってこいの日でした。私たちの乗った船はブラジル海軍のトレイニング用の船でCisne Branco(白鳥という意味でしょうか?)一番奥にあって乗るのに一番空いてたんです。

Sorry but thank you for support. Many people asked me to update my blog and those comments encourage me. Thank you. Well, it was the beginning of July. Tall ships were here in Boston bay and it was my first time to go to this event. I saw a tall ship from south shore Boston but I have never seen tall ships this close or ride on it. I was looking forward to going to this event for a long time. I even put the date on my calendar! Summer did not come to Boston for a while but it was really nice day even a little hot to see tall ship. The ship we visited called Cisne Branco and it was a training ship of Brazilian navy. There were some but this ship was all the way at the end and there were less people lining up waiting to visit than other ships. he he